If you are looking to build a new dwelling or a small housing development, then we are here to help guide you through the planning process and ultimately aim to achieve planning permission for you. We will likely recommend Pre-application Advice from the Council first to minimise your risk and costs at the outset, whilst gaining valuable knowledge as to what the Council would allow on the site.
If the Pre-application Advice is positive, you can then proceed with us to the Full Planning Permission stage. With the addition of detailed planning floor plans and elevations, tis means the Council can ask your neighbours about the scheme and the Planning Officer or Planning Committee makes a Decision based on local planning policy. We will submit the planning application and liaise with the Council on your behalf as your Planning Agent, you just need to settle the Council’s Application fee. If additional reports etc are required then we can try and assist you with finding the right companies for the job, such as Tree Surveys or Flooding Reports.
Once planning is hopefully granted, you can proceed to the Building Regulations stage and start building your dream home or housing development.
Contact us today!